/manager/Index en-au 5 Artificial or natural origin of hematite-based red pigments in archaeological contexts: the case of Riparo Dalmeri (Trento, Italy) /manager/Repository/uon:12758 2O3). The main features of natural and artificial hematite are recalled and used to discuss the results obtained from the characterization of red-ochre samples coming from the Palaeolithic site of Riparo Dalmeri, a rock-shelter located in northeastern Italy, dated to 13 000 cal. BP, and notorious for the presence, among the other finds, of red-painted calcareous stones. Painting and the treatment of leather and hides obtained from the intensive hunting activity were the main uses of the hematite-based red-ochres at Riparo Dalmeri. It turns out that hematite was mostly obtained from the thermal treatment of goethite, which, unlike hematite, was and still is widely available in the neighbourhood of the site.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:17:17 AEDT ]]> Regional climate variability and ecosystem responses to the last deglaciation in the northern hemisphere from stable isotope data and calcite fabrics in two northern Adriatic stalagmites /manager/Repository/uon:19954 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:58:33 AEDT ]]> Investigating the hydrological significance of stalagmite geochemistry (Mg, Sr) using Sr isotope and particulate element records across the late glacial-to-holocene transition /manager/Repository/uon:30185 c parameter, is controlled by water–rock interaction, with higher and lower Mgc during dry and wet phases, respectively. This is thought to reflect incongruent dissolution of Mg-rich phases. Correction of Sr concentrations for contributions from airborne exogenic Sr, based on 87Sr/86Sr ratios, yields the bedrock-only contribution (Src). Src variation in stalagmite calcite is influenced by speleothem growth rate and by variation of the calcite-water Sr partitioning in wet and dry phases, and only to a minor extent by incongruent dissolution of Mg-rich phases. Concentration profiles for Mgc and Srcg (corrected for growth rate effects) show inverse correlations and are inferred to show hydrological significance which is captured in a hydrological index, HI. We suggest HI provides robust information on water–rock interaction related to hydrological changes and can be utilized in both wet and semi-arid environments, provided the corrections for soil Mg and exogenic Sr can be applied with confidence. Application of the HI index allows correction of Grotta Savi oxygen isotope data, to yield a δ18Oc time series that shows when changes in moisture sources and atmospheric reorganization, or changes in moisture amount, were significant. This is especially evident during the Younger Dryas (YD). The Savi record supports the concept of a two-phase YD, marked by an increase of moisture and stronger impact of Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea influences over the northern Adriatic region from 12.3 ka onwards. Then, a large-scale atmospheric reorganization and gradual northward shift of the Polar Front caused a progressive reduction of sea influence over the region from 12.1 ka, supporting the concept of a hemispheric change.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:41:31 AEDT ]]>